Selected Poems
About Elephants and Life Before the Presidential Election
Farewell to My Bicycle, 1997-2019
Exhibit at Chile’s Museum of Memory and Human Rights
American Predator, Hopes, Practicing Mindfulness While Writing Letters to Voters, Elegy for a Young Queer Writer (From anthology Where We Stand: Poems of Black Resilience)
Recording for “Elegy…
The Post Office Barrel: Experience
A Friend in Sri Lanka Leaves Hotel 30 Minutes before Bomb Explodes

Additional Poetry Credits
the minnesota review, Third Wednesday, The Literary Review, Earth’s Daughters, Maryland Poets Remember 9-11, College English, Home Planet News, Calling Home (Rutgers U Pr,), For a Living: The Poetry of Work (U Ill Pr) Only the Sea Keeps: Poems of the Tsunami, (Bayeux Arts, Calgary; Rupa, New Delhi ).